100 Day Project Painting, Day #3

This is my Day 3 painting for the 100 Day Project that I decided to try and do this year. It is a 5 x 5 acrylic painting on acrylic paper with the finishing touches done in black oil pastel and pencil. I completed day #8 today and hope this will become a daily habit of small bursts of creativity that carries on much longer than the 100 days.

I read it takes roughly two months, 66 days to be exact, to form a habit. This of course depends on the person. I guess I must attempt to get to day 66 for this to be ingrained and habit forming! Stay tuned, we will see.

I’m documenting in a sketch book by gluing the pieces in and recording what I used to complete each piece. I’m also posting daily to my instagram and FB page for all to see. Not drawing any traction at this point. Check me out at NatalieCSmithArt on either platform!

Many things, as always, in the works. Hoping to share in the near future,

Until next time…….what is a habit you need to try to ingrain