Day #11 of the 100 Day Project

Keeping busy with the 100 Day Project plus a few other things! This was my day #11 post. Done after watching a Youtube video where someone used oil pastels then put watercolor over them. Interesting combination. I like the results and will definitely do in the future.

Haven’t written a blog post for a bit as I’ve once again jumped into so many different things at once.

As I’m working on the 100 day 5 x 5 project that I set for myself I also purchased some online classes and this week I’m doing Nicholas Wilson’s free Art of Your Life online workshop. It seems like when I find something of interest there are several things that interest me at the same time!

The online courses I bought aren’t live so I could in fact do them at any time. Just too tempting so I have to have a look! I’m still working my way through the 30 Day Everyday Watercolor book by Jenna Rainey too. I work on this as time allows.

I feel I have time and am taking on all that comes along as if there is no tomorrow. My way of dealing with the grief of losing my mom I think.

Anyway, I will try to share more each week as I continue to dive into all that is going on with my art life and interests as I remember.

Ordered show packages of various mat sizes and plan to photograph and prepare for selling some of my earlier works on paper. More to come on that as I get things prepared.

Exciting times but need to focus on less at one time.

Until next time…….where is your focus these days and can you relate to my lack thereof